At St. Joachim's we promote an active youth community and one of the ways that we do this is by being involved! Our goal in everything we offer for our youth is to help them become the best version of themselves which God intended them to become and thus find the happiness only God can provide. Guided by the wisdom of the Catholic Church and always in union with church teaching, we offer numerous small and large group activities. We continue to look for new ways to help our youth getting involved in parish activities, our Diocese of LaCrosse and National Events. We invite any youth to join us, we always have fun with the Lord! We can be reached by calling the Central office at 715-884-6815, contacting Christina Pelot email: [email protected], cell phone 715-451-5167 and home phone number 715-884-6080
Team Members Nate and Jennifer Bowden Jesse and Sarah Grossbier Christina Pelot, Coordinator
Youth Ministry Yearly Schedule (2018-2019)
Students are selling candy bars after masses.
Beef Tip Dinner. Cooking on Saturday and serving on Sunday. Raffles and 50/50 Split the pot.
Students are selling candy bars after masses.
Server Training for anyone 3rd grade and older. Pick up after school. Feed the kids supper before CCD starts.
Help with St. Patrick’s Festival.
March 31, 2019 Spring retreat grades 6th through 12th. Hosted by St. Joachim.
Steubenville and Adventure Camp trip meeting at St. Joachim’s. Go over the schedule for the trip. Complete Liability forms. Register on the Conference website, go over expectations and packing list.
Annual Youth Retreat with a new theme each year.
Register Graduating Seniors with their college campus Newman Centers.
St. John Bosco Day Registration for our church and if the St. James and Holy Rosary want to attend. Reserve coach transportation.
Steubenville and Adventure Camp trip meeting at St. Bronislava to meet kids from all the churches going.
Server Appreciation Party. We go to a Tuesday’s $5.00 movie in Marshfield and Pizza Hut. Servers go to the movie of their choice.
Steubenville Conference.
Adventure Camp held.
Plan next year’s Steubenville with St. Bronislava, St Peter, St. Adalbert, Holy Spirit, and Assumption Schools.
Server Training for anyone 3rd grade and older. Pick up after school. Feed the kids supper before CCD starts.
Steubenville and Adventure Camp Registration for the following year for grades 8 through 12. (Registration through February).
St. John Bosco Day 1st Saturday in October at Holy Hill from 5 am to 11 pm.
Students are selling candy bars after masses.
Steubenville students design a schedule and sell candy bars at the masses they wish.
Vande Welles Candy Bar Order and Pick up in Appleton, WI.