A church usher ministers to people in a variety of practical ways. Duties include greeting people as they arrive for Mass, assisting people with special needs, aiding parishioners in finding a seat and collecting offerings. Ushers may be expected to:
❖ Open doors for parishioners.
❖ Assist individuals with special needs as appropriate to facilitate attending the Mass or parish functions.
❖ Distribute bulletins before and after Mass.
❖ Deliver and deposit collections at a designated financial institution following Mass.
❖ Maintain an orderly environment and flow of people during Mass and parish functions.
❖ Ushers / Greeters for 2018 - 2019: - Dan Ortner, Ryan Ortner, Kevin Ortner, Dick Woiak, Marvin Kohlbeck, Jerry Sojka, and Gilbert Reinwand. The men of the parish are invited to volunteer.