It is the purpose of the committee to promote Catholic social teachings. Our mission is to support child welfare, educate the faithful to be informed and make their voices heard, defend our liberty and catholic social teachings and help anyone in distress. The committee was organized in 1985 and the current group has been meeting since November 2017. We currently meet each quarter. Meeting dates and times are posted in the bulletin. All parishioners are welcome to participate and join the group.
Please call Ron Kremer, Chairperson, at 715-884-1413 with any questions.
Activities and Special Events
Dementia presentation scheduled for Oct 21, 2019. This activity is in conjunction with our Deanery.
KC presentation on estate planning held on two separate occasions.
Frauds and Scam that target senior citizens / Medicare Scams.
Estate Planning presented by a financial planner.
Advanced Planning. End of life considerations – living wills and power of attorney.
Organizing a financial planning presentation for our youth for our fall event.