The Rosary Society is the first society established at St. Joachim’s Parish in 1925. Now known as St. Joachim Parish Council of Catholic Women (PCCW/CCW). This group of Parish women supports and provide for the needs of the parish through prayer, fellowship, and fundraisers.
The ultimate purpose of this program is to provide opportunities for the women of the parish to develop their potential as Christian women and to motivate and assist them to deal with religious, educational, civic, social and economic issues. St. Joachim PCCW is affiliated with the Wisconsin Rapids Deanery Council of Catholic Women, the La Crosse Council of Catholic Women and the National Council of Catholic Women.
Purpose of PCCW
1. Assist Pastors in parish needs, both spiritual and temporal. 2. Foster a respect for life and concern for the sick, the elderly and shut in. 3. Provide service to the parish community by active involvement. 4. A special support to the missions and religious education. 5. Participating in the local deanery meeting in Spring & Fall.
Basic Activities
Most parishioners are aware of the funeral luncheons they serve. They also assist with many social events held for the parish and Diocese. Beyond this, they donate to many charitable causes, including the Relevant Radio, Daughters of Peita. They also donate funds to purchase items for the parish kitchen, church, and rectory.
The pastoral activities like Mother’s and Father’s Day luncheon, Christmas party, harvest festival coordination, priestly anniversary and welcome new priest are the phenomenal encounter of the members to make the local church more active and vibrant in her day to day activities.
The PCCW meetings are held on the second Monday of the months of March thru December at 6:30 p.m. in the church hall. We need all women of the parish, even if you can’t attend all meetings. These members are assigned to one of four circles, St. Angela, St. Mary’s, St. Monica, St. Elizabeth. If you do not know which is your circle, contact PCCW President.
Membership Information
Any practicing Catholic woman, 18 years of age or older, and a current member of St. Joachim’s Parish, are a member. We have no dues.
Appointed Officers - 2018
Sharon McDonald, President, 715-884-6491 / 715-305-4496 - -, Vice President Denise Tritz, Secretary Mary Zdun, Treasure
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of all officers and the Immediate Past President. The Executive Committee shall have the power to act when action is necessary between scheduled Executive Committee or general Council meetings. The Pastor is the spiritual and organizational advisor and should be consulted regarding proposed activities and invited to participate in PCCW meetings as available.