A lector is appointed to read the Word of God with clarity and conviction. Accordingly, he or she reads Sacred Scripture from the Lectionary (except the Gospel) during the Mass and other sacred celebrations. He or she may be called upon to recite the psalms between the readings in the absence of a choir or cantor. He or she presents the intentions for general intercessions. Lectors also make parish announcements as appropriate. Lectors should:
❖ Be of sufficient age and maturity to perform the duties of a lector with appropriate reverence.
❖ Receive proper spiritual, theological and practical preparation.
❖ Observe proper decorum and attire when lecturing during Mass.
❖ Readers for 2018 - 2019: - Mark Behselich, Emma Bowden, John Downs, Maria Esser, Nancy Esser, Kathy Huebl, Delaney Klamrowski, Jon Klamrowski, Colleen Lassa, Mary Ann Lippert, Tom Minor, Rachel Ortner, Steve Redmond, Bill Rosandick, Elizabeth Rosandick, Rita Schiller, Cindy Schooley, Hillary Tolzmann, Denise Tritz, Duane Tritz, Ralph Tritz, Diane Worzalla, Steve Zdun, Jen Peterson and Marv Kolhbeck.