The building and grounds committee is concerned with the state and condition of parish facilities and property, their maintenance and upkeep. The committee prioritizes and presents needs as part of the budget process and identifies any situations which require immediate action to the Finance Council.
The committee plays an important role in the development and monitoring of a master site plan. The plan allows the parish to maximize the use of property and facilities, establish a timeline for the updating of mechanical and electrical systems, and anticipate any building or renovation projects.
Areas of Responsibility
The building and grounds committee is responsible for the following tasks:
Inspect all parish properties on a regular basis and recommend priorities for needed repairs, remodeling, and new construction.
Develop, review, and update a master site plan for the parish property and facilities which reflects current and future needs.
Assist in the development of specifications for projects and participate in the review of bids as requested.
Make recommendations to the Finance Council regarding projects and contractors.
Assemble a list of capable parishioners willing to volunteer for spring and fall cleanups or other parish maintenance projects.
Recommend the purchases of equipment, supplies, and maintenance services.
Monitor the cleanliness of parish property and facilities.
Be familiar with safety and insurance standards related to the parish, make certain the parish complies with these standards, and review the annual safety inspection conducted by the parish's insurance company in order to respond to any concerns.
Evaluate parish needs to conserve energy and operate more efficiently and make recommendations.
Prepare guidelines for the use of and cleanup of parish facilities by parish groups or rental or leasing entities.
Members: Steve Redmond (Chairperson), Matthew Normington, and Bill Hahn.